
consulting, edp, businessman-3031678.jpg

At Rhino Shield, we strongly believe in the saying, “If you think it’s expensive to hire a professional, wait until you use an amateur”. While Rhino Shield offers impressive durability, it comes at a higher cost than traditional paint jobs. On average, you can expect to pay 2.5 to 3 times the cost of a traditional paint job. 

There are a lot of variables that go into the cost of coating your home or building. The cost variation depends on factors such as:

  • Size of the project
  • The type of substrate to be coated
  • Condition of the home or building
  • Extent of repair work needed

We have a minimum job price of $7500 and about 80% of our jobs cost between $12,000 and $28,000.


If you are considering coating your home, you may want to look at financing options. We offer several types of financing programs to fit your budget, so please ask me once we meet up. The financing rates are based on credit scores and depending on the size of your project, we can offer terms from 1 year all the way up to 20 years. Not to say you would take 20 years to pay off the loan because it is simple interest, so you’re only paying interest on how long you take to pay off the balance. We have customers that set up their loan for 20 years to give them a small monthly payment to allow themselves the opportunity to get the project done now, but they pay the loan off sooner with no pre-payment penalty.

And for the bank to be offering a 20 year loan on our product, this tells you all that you need to know on how great our product is. If our product did not work or hold up, the bank would never allow our customers to be able to finance it for 20 years. Banks will not finance a regular paint job period, but because of our quality product and reputation, your options are limitless.